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2022年10月16日 01:56:0910網(wǎng)絡(luò)

1. 城市旅游英語宣傳圖片

1)travel 通常泛指“旅行”,詞義廣泛,可以指長期、短期的,不論何種目的,不論使用何種交通工具的旅行,尤指長途的海外旅行. 如:He is traveling in Africa.他在非洲旅行.

2)tour的意思是“周游、巡視”,常帶有根據(jù)一定的路線,事先預(yù)定了一些逗留地點,最后仍回到出發(fā)地. 如:He visited the countries on good-will tours.他對一些國家進(jìn)行了友好訪問.

3)journey 表示“旅行,旅程”,適用范圍廣,多指陸上旅行.不用于指距離很短的旅行. 如:Wish you a good journey.祝你一路平安.

4)trip通常指短期的短程的旅行,尤指暫時到外地辦理業(yè)務(wù)上的事情. 如:He went on a business trip yesterday.昨天他出差了.

2. 英語旅游宣傳海報

Knowledge may be acquired through many ways, the best of which is reading. In the age of high technology, reading deserves to be paid attention to.    To begin with, it is the most flexible way of getting information. Many people think it not only helps them better understand society as well as nature, but also broadens their horizon. Additionally, reading, to some degree, is of great benefit to interpersonal communication apart from self-improvement. It can also enrich our life and bring people pleasure. What’s more, reading is also regarded by many as a means of better survival.萊垍頭條

3. 旅游景點英語海報





4. 城市旅游英語宣傳圖片素材

Hello,everybody!MynameisLinda.Iamastudent.IaminGradeSevenClassOnestudy.Ilikemusic.SoIcanplaytheguiter,playtheviolinandplaythepiano,butIcan'tsing.Iusuallyhelpmyclassmateswithmusic.  Iamgoodattoanswerstudents'questions.Ontheweekend,Iusuallytojointhemusicclub.Doyoulikemusic?Canyouplaythepianoortheviolin?Thenyoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival. 萊垍頭條

5. 城市旅游英語宣傳圖片高清

ESP是English for Specific purposes 的縮寫,也就是平常所說的“專門用途英語”或“特殊用途英語”,如旅游英語、商務(wù)英語、財經(jīng)英語、醫(yī)學(xué)英語、工程英語等。ESP學(xué)習(xí)者學(xué)習(xí)英語的目的是把英語作為一種手段或工具來學(xué)習(xí),以便進(jìn)一步進(jìn)行專業(yè)學(xué)習(xí),如各類大學(xué)的非英語專業(yè)學(xué)生,或者是把英語作為手段或工具來學(xué)習(xí)以便有效地完成各項工作。

6. 旅游宣傳 英語

很多年輕人想要通過旅行體驗不同的文化翻譯成英文是:Many young people want to experience different cultures through travel.相關(guān)短語學(xué)習(xí):different cultures 不同文化; 不同的文化; [例句]The aim is to inculcate business people with an appreciation ofdifferent cultures其目的是教導(dǎo)商界管理人員逐漸學(xué)會欣賞不同的文化。

7. 城市旅游宣傳冊英文

When my parents are busy with their work I will stay aside drawing. I like drawing my family. I like drawing my parents holding my hands to send me to school. I also like drawing fruit because they are delicious.


8. 英語旅游宣傳廣告標(biāo)語


1、Buses Only 表示”只準(zhǔn)公共汽車通過 “

Local villagers say that, in practice, the buses only make

one stop.



2、Wet Paint表示”油漆未干 “

I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running


3、Lost and Found 表示”失物招領(lǐng)處 “

I claimed the my lost luggage at the Lost and Found.


4、Safety First 表示”安全第一 “

"Safety first" is our slogan.


5、No Smoking表示“禁止吸煙”

No smoking is a law here.




1、Good to the last drop.滴滴香濃,意猶未盡.(麥斯威爾咖啡)

2、Obey your thirst.服從你的渴望.(雪碧)

3、The new digital era.數(shù)碼新時代.(索尼影碟機)

4、Impossible made possibel.使不可能變?yōu)榭赡?(佳能打印機)

9. 英語旅游宣傳語

Travel in Beijing is really a happy thing, in Beijing we can see the Tiananmen Square, see the Great Hall of the People and Beijing courtyard, The sky is really blue, but the air in Beijing is a little bad在北京旅游真的是讓人快樂的事情,在北京我們可以看到天安門,看到人民大會堂以及北京的四合院,北京的天是真的藍(lán)啊,就北京的空氣有點不好

10. 城市旅游英語宣傳圖片大全

I am going to take advantage of my holiday to have a tour around the town.I have two hundred yuan in my hand.Here below is my plan for the travel.

I plan to go there by train and (go)back by bus,this will cost me fifty yuan.Besides ,I will stay there for about three days,in other words,I need to live in the hotel for two nights.This will cost me forty yuan.Also I need to pay about forty-five yuan for my own meal. After knocking out all these fees,I still have about seventy yuan left.I am going to buy some presents for my parents.

Well, that is my travel plan

11. 英語旅游廣告圖片



Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with his mental control. Anyone can go hiking, but rock climbing really separates the men from the boys. The High-Step Stretch works active flexibility and range of motion for a critical rock climbing move. City life is smothery. Let's go rock climbing.
