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2022年11月15日 07:02:4410網(wǎng)絡(luò)

1. 法國旅行英文作文





2. 法國旅行英語作文

Last summer I went to Paris with my parents. I was very excited and happy.

Since we don't speak French, we joined a tour to Paris. It last a week.

We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles. I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci's the Last Supper there. I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top.

We also sightsee many churches. Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end.


The trip was mostly enjoyable. I promise myself to go back to Paris again. Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour. Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look.

That trip was a memorable one!

3. 法國之旅英語作文

一、去法國旅游首先需要有護照,然后辦理簽證。二、下面具體說一下個人旅游簽證需要哪些材料?  1.用英語或法語完整填寫并且由申請人親筆簽名的短期逗留簽證申請表(未成年人由法定監(jiān)護人簽字)  2.申根簽證(停留期少于3個月的簽證)的補充問卷  3.兩張白色背景的2寸個人照  4.護照原件和復(fù)印件  5.戶口原件、復(fù)印件和包括申請人及家人信息頁面的翻譯件  6.身份證原件、復(fù)印件及翻譯件  7.結(jié)婚證、原件及復(fù)印件(未婚可不提供)  8.如果是未成年人(以下材料均需提供原件、復(fù)印件和翻譯件)①出生公證+外事辦認(rèn)證②由公證處公證+外事辦認(rèn)證的父母授權(quán)同意出國許可證明(對于未成年人單獨出行或與父母其中一方出行,必須提供該證明) ③如父母離婚,則需要提供外辦認(rèn)證的離婚公證,需注明監(jiān)護權(quán)④學(xué)校證明原件,復(fù)印件及翻譯件  9.工作單位證明原件,復(fù)印件及翻譯件?! ?0.公司資質(zhì)證明:營業(yè)執(zhí)照副本  11.若退休,提供退休證原件及復(fù)印件  12. 個人經(jīng)濟擔(dān)保:每人或每戶提供一份銀行凍結(jié)存款證明原件及復(fù)印件(凍結(jié)金額至少5萬元人民幣,凍結(jié)到回到中國以后) ;最近三個月存折記錄、復(fù)印件及翻譯件,需能體現(xiàn)每個月的固定收入(如工資,退休金等);房產(chǎn)證原件、復(fù)印件和翻譯件(可選);行駛證原件、復(fù)印件和翻譯件(可選)  13.申根地區(qū)逗留期間的酒店預(yù)定單(含酒店地址和申請人全名)復(fù)印件(只接受法語或英語版,不接受中文版)  14.往返飛機票訂單的復(fù)印件(只接受法語或英語版,不接受中文版)  15.國際醫(yī)療/住院/遣返保險單原件、復(fù)印件及翻譯件(只接受法語或英語版,不接受中文版)  16.赴法旅游行程單。三、辦理法國個人旅游簽證需要多長時間?  法國個人旅游簽證提前90天便可著手申請,最遲務(wù)必提前20天,因很多材料都需工作單位、銀行及公證處開具,得花費一段時間準(zhǔn)備,加之預(yù)約遞簽、領(lǐng)館受理,盡早開始準(zhǔn)備較為穩(wěn)妥。在預(yù)約時間遞交材料給領(lǐng)館后,基本48小時內(nèi)會有審核結(jié)果。 這些手續(xù)辦完就可以開啟法國之旅了。

4. 去巴黎旅游的英文作文

I plan to visit France this autumn with my family.I am 15 years old this year and I am very inerested in different culture ,espcially between China and France.I think chinese is a difficult language and French is the most beautiful language in the world.Mainly I want to visit Louvre Museum,it has so many paintings that I am very excited,than I'd like to watch Tower Eiffel,it is famous too.I hope this trip could help me learn more about the culture of France.

5. 去法國旅行英語作文


Visit the Eiffel Tower

Despite my own fear of heights, I felt more grounded than I have on other vertical tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building.

They sell miniatures of the Eiffel Tower to visitors.
