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2022年11月12日 07:09:523網(wǎng)絡(luò)

1. 洛杉磯旅游作文英語

Kobe Bryant was born on August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

(Kobe Bryant,1978年8月23日出生于美國賓夕法尼亞州費(fèi)城。)

Former NBA player, shooting guard/small forward (swingman).


Nicknamed "the black mamba"/" Peter pan ", he is the son of former NBA player Joe Bryant.


Bryant was the 13th overall pick in the 1996 NBA draft by the charlotte hornets.


He was traded to the Los Angeles lakers and spent his entire NBA career (1996-2016) playing for the Los Angeles lakers.


2. 介紹洛杉磯的英語短文150字

LA是洛杉磯(Los Angeles)的英文名字縮寫。




3. 紐約旅游英語作文


  The free day ,I want to go to Los Angeles.Because this is the second largest city in America! And the sun always seems to shine in LA!I need some suggestions. Firstly I want to join the 2 hours walking tour.because it is a so great chance .Secondly I will go shopping in Glendale Galleria. Finlly I want to citadel outlets and South coast plaza.

4. 美國旅游作文







5. 關(guān)于洛杉磯的英語作文

Nicknamed the "Golden State," California is the third largest state in area after Alaska and Texas. The discovery of gold and the immigration in 1849 of thousands of "forty-niners" in search of the precious metal helped California's admission into the Union in 1850. Today, California, land of the giant redwoods, has the highest population of any state in the nation and is America's principal agricultural state. It is also the home of Hollywood, the center of America's movie and television industry. Its capital is Sacramento and the state flower is the golden poppy

6. 洛杉磯旅游作文英語帶翻譯

我平時(shí)很少看網(wǎng)上的體育頻道,最近卻在這種頻道上無意間看到一個(gè)記者問“籃球天才”科比·布萊恩特:“你為什么能如此成功?”科比竟然反問道:“你 知道洛杉磯每天早上4點(diǎn)鐘是什么樣子嗎?”這句話讓我很感興趣,我想知道洛杉磯清晨4點(diǎn)跟一個(gè)人的成功能有什么關(guān)系?

  實(shí)際上連勤奮敬業(yè)的記者也不知道早上 4點(diǎn)的洛杉磯是什么樣子,科比就自問自答:“滿天星星,寥落的燈光,行人很少。究竟是什么樣子,我也不太清楚。但這沒有關(guān)系,你說是嗎?每天早上4點(diǎn),洛 杉磯仍然在黑暗中,我就起床行走在黑暗的洛杉磯街道上……”

  科比講到這里,我終于意識(shí)到清晨4點(diǎn)為什么跟科比的成功有關(guān)系,身為一名籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,他堅(jiān)持每天清晨4點(diǎn)就起床,除了去做體能訓(xùn)練和投籃練習(xí),還能 做什么?據(jù)科比自己講,他這樣堅(jiān)持了一天又一天,洛杉磯清晨4點(diǎn)的黑暗始終沒有改變,而他卻逐漸發(fā)生了變化,就好像光明一點(diǎn)一點(diǎn)地來到他的人生里,讓他從 一個(gè)默默無聞的人變成一個(gè)萬眾矚目的明星。


  此話不假,今天的科比仍然能夠在比自己年輕10歲的年輕隊(duì)員頭上扣籃,并創(chuàng)造出單場比賽奪得81分的個(gè)人記錄。即便是在訓(xùn)練房中,他的投籃命中率也 并不隨意:以前他的目標(biāo)是每天不投中800個(gè)球絕不停止,后來在同樣的時(shí)間里,他已經(jīng)能夠命中1000個(gè)球,達(dá)不到這個(gè)目標(biāo)同樣絕不停止。

  科比的話讓我深受感動(dòng),一個(gè)追求事業(yè)成功的人就應(yīng)該這樣勇于在黑暗的清晨4點(diǎn)奮力打造自己的“光明”,讓自己在黑暗中發(fā)熱、點(diǎn)燃、淬火,最終如一把 寶劍在蘇醒過來的時(shí)間中光華四射,“精光射天地,雷騰不可沖”。最可貴的是,在成為籃球明星后,科比仍然能夠在“沒有人感覺舒暢”的清晨4點(diǎn)起床堅(jiān)持訓(xùn) 練,似乎自己仍是當(dāng)初走進(jìn)清晨4點(diǎn)黑暗中的無名練習(xí)者。

7. 洛杉磯旅游作文英語翻譯

Arrange accommodations for at least the first night of your trip.


We propose these initial thoughts to you in the hope that we may arrange a meeting to discuss the details with you during our upcoming trip to Los Angeles next week.


8. 洛杉磯游記作文

先寫科比的一些經(jīng)歷,如何努力,再對照 有對比才能更加突然嘛,寫一些自己的感受,最后寫好懷念的話

9. 去洛杉磯旅游英語作文

Hello, mike:I heard that you will come to my hometown, laiwu. I am very happy and specially write an email to tell you something about my hometown.The weather is very good recently. There was some heavy rain just a few days ago. It's cool now.The scenery is beautiful and the people here are very rustic and kind.I believe you will be very happy to get along with them after you come.Remember to bring an umbrella, bring some sunscreen, and be safe when you come.I'm looking forward to meeting you.I hope you can reply as soon as possible.Sincerely, li ke.
